Don't Invite Hagar Into Your House
God is the ultimate Creator. There is nothing He cannot make, resolve or establish. He has it all figured out, cued up and ready to go. Body parts are no issue. Like me, you probably have heard and seen miraculous healings where legs were extended, eyeballs were replaced and hearing was opened. There is nothing He cannot do and there is nothing you need or desire that He does not already have stored up waiting to be released through your faith. Christ said in John 14:12-14 that every believer would do the works He did and even greater works. We could ask anything in His name and He would do it. So, why don’t we see more miracles or the manifestation of huge shifts like we should? We believe but we don’t understand. Because we don’t understand we don’t expect what we should expect. We believe that Christ exists and He did all the great things we’ve read in the Holy Bible. But when it comes to repeating or exceeding it, many of us fall short because we don’t understand what God is doing and how He is doing it. If you read the story of Abraham and Sarah from Genesis 12 through 21, you see it starts with a promise to Abram. Then as time goes on and they begin to move to the places God commands, the Word becomes more specific. First, God says He will make him a great nation. Abram receives that word but doesn’t do much about it. Next, He says He will give Him a son. Here is where the issue comes in. They receive the Word but they looked at their physical situation and determined it was a limitation. So, they created their own way to make God’s word happen that fit into what their mind could conceive. They invited Hagar into their house. Now both Abraham and Sarah loved the Lord and believed what He said. They expected the Word to come to pass and knew they had to put their faith into action. But they had not taken the time to understand the Word they were given. Proverbs 4:7 says, “Wisdom is the principal thing and in all thy getting, get understanding.” Because they did not get an understanding of what God had promised, they tried to control their supernatural promise with their natural circumstances. Any promise from God is supernatural. It comes from His throne in heaven which is far beyond the physical limitations of this natural world. So, whenever He makes a promise expect what is not normally expected. You can ask for understanding as Mary did when she was told that she would bear Jesus Christ. She did not ask in doubt or disbelief as though it were impossible. That’s how Sarah asked in chapter 18 and why she laughed. But read Luke 1:26-38. Mary asked for more details so she would know what to expect. This is the way to ask for understanding. And, if we ask for it God will give it to us as He did for Mary. When the understanding was given, she took it, stood on it and let it happen God’s way without her interference. She didn’t become afraid of what Joseph or others in the community might think. She stood on the word and Joseph, by his faith in God, got on board with the plan. Colossians 1:26 lets us know that the things of God which are mysteries to the world can be revealed to His saints. So, Seek to get an understanding of God’s Word to you and rest in it. Our souls, which includes our minds, and our bodies have to be submitted to God at all times so the Holy Spirit can move and perform the supernatural works that God wants to manifest through us. Don’t let your mind rationalize and order God’s word thereby denying His supernatural moves and manifestations. (Not by might nor by power (As Sarah and Abram tried to do) but by My Spirit says the Lord (Zechariah 4:6). His miracles need to manifest because they are signs to unbelievers that our God is real AND He is the One to be worshipped. The miracles are helping to build God’s Kingdom. Therefore, get an understanding and let the Holy Spirit control our natural environment so that we all can witness the birth of supernatural things in the earth.