The Same God

We HAVE TO trust God. Consider this. The same God that we pray to today and ask to help us with our circumstances and needs is the same God that walked with Adam in the garden. He is the same God who spoke and made promises to Abraham. He is the same God who wrestled with Jacob. The same God who showed only His hind parts to Moses and used His finger to write the 10 Commandments by which each person should abide. The same God who we pray to today is the same God who caused thick walls surrounding a city of thousands to fall in an instant by the faith of those who walked around it and praised Him in the midst of it. He is the same God who sacrificed His own son so that by His resurrection we all could be reinstated as sons and daughters of the Almighty, Omniscient and Always Present One. Yes, the same God of the Bible is the same God who walks with you daily by His Spirit; It is He who protects, guides, provides, delivers, restores and establishes you. His thoughts are far reaching not limited to what man can see or feel. His thoughts for YOU are far reaching not limited by what you can see or feel. So, instead of worrying, stressing, wondering and striving today, just focus on the only true and living God and what He desires. As He did it for our brothers and sisters from the beginning, He will most definitely take care of you. For what you need is an easy thing for Him to do for you and He will do it if you trust Him. But most importantly, the same great God of the Bible is the same God who holds you in His hands and will not let anyone take you out. You are loved by the Almighty God. Matthew 6:28-34, Isaiah 31:4-5